Tips to Prepare for the 2021 International Roadcheck

Article by: Catharine Conway
Source: American Trucker

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What Freight Carriers Should Know About Biden’s Transportation Review

Article by: John Gallagher
Source: FreightWaves

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Harbor Truckers Dispute Millions of Detention, Demurrage Charges as Fees Surpass $200

Article by: S.L. Fuller
Source: Supply Chain Dive

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International Shipping: U.S. Customs Bond Insufficiency in a Trade War

Editorial by Richard Fisher, BTX Global Logistics Boston (BTX-BOS)
From a sales perspective, most of us are used to asking questions to determine where and how we can match our benefits to our client's needs. Asking the right questions go a long way in establishing a longstanding relationship of trust with customers and in gaining additional business from them. In a climate where trade wars and tariff changes are a consistent reality, asking importer clients about U.S. Customs Bond is key.

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Regulation Prohibits the Transport of Lithium Batteries As Cargo on Passenger Aircrafts

WASHINGTON The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), in coordination with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), issued an Interim Final Rule (IFR) on Feb. 27, 2019 to enhance air safety by revising the Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR) for lithium ion cells or batteries transported by aircraft.
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Congress Passed FAA Reauthorization Bill: How will it affect freight-forwarders?

Congress passed H.R. 302, the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018. This bill is of particular importance to our industry as a whole and the Airforwarders Association has worked closely with the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to ensure that the interests of freight-forwarders were heard and incorporated into the legislation.  The FAA Reauthorization Act is a comprehensive piece of legislation that includes provisions for many aspects of Aviation. 
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Planning to Protect Customers from Service Delays in Cargo Delivery

Last year, we saw an incredible paradigm shift in capacity with regards to global supply chains. In the United States, e-commerce traffic took our normal capacity away in November and December due to record level volumes. Severe backlogs with our core vendors forced BTX Global Logistics and others in our industry to look elsewhere to move cargo just about anywhere.

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