National Truck Driver Appreciation Week: Celebrate & Honor these Essential Workers

Celebrated annually, National Truck Driver Appreciation Week (NTDAW) takes place September 15-21 this year. Join BTX Global Logistics by recognizing all professional truck drivers for their hard work and commitment in undertaking one of our economy's most demanding jobs of delivering freight safely and securely every day.  

The Importance of Truck Drivers
Trucking is integral to the country’s economy. Drivers are responsible for transporting 70 percent of the United States freight. 80 percent of U.S. communities are dependent on trucks for their medicine, food, raw materials, and other essentials. Without the constant deliveries from trucks crossing state and country borders, many of us wouldn’t be able to receive our essential needs or go about our daily lives. Major industries such as construction, healthcare, and utilities depend on the behind-the-scenes work of truck drivers. For a complete picture of the industry’s importance, here are the top 5 reasons truck drivers are important to our economy.

  1. Transportation of Essential Goods
    Truck drivers are responsible for getting shipments to our grocery stores safely and on time. Our goods are delivered to us in temperature-controlled vehicles that are carefully monitored by truck drivers. This ensures that the food we bring home to our families is safe to eat.

    Drivers also deliver essentials such as medication and medical equipment to hospitals. Without these medical supplies, healthcare workers wouldn’t be able to care for patients and save lives. These deliveries are especially crucial during natural disaster events such as hurricanes, floods, and tornados. BTX is dedicated to meeting the needs of those in crisis. Click here to learn more about BTX's humanitarian relief efforts.

  2. Connect Businesses
    Technology has brought businesses across the country and the world closer, helping them share ideas and make plans for innovation. Truck drivers help bring these ideas into reality by closing the distance between these businesses. Businesses are able to order supplies from anywhere in the world because of the time management and safe driving skills of truck drivers. They know the best routes and have a system in place to ensure that the supplies being exchanged are met, allowing partnerships to thrive. Companies need not worry about the logistics and can focus on the internal work required to grow. 

  3. Help Build Infrastructure
    Truck drivers transport the supplies, materials, and equipment needed to complete construction projects on roads, buildings, tunnels and bridges. This integral role helps communities grow and, in cases of natural disasters, helps repair homes. Infrastructures have to be maintained. The timely delivery of lumber, steel, and concrete helps keep foundations and structural integrity strong. BTX offers many specialized services including Project Cargo that provides quality customized logistics solutions to support projects of all sizes anywhere in the world.

  4. Truck Drivers Make Up a Large Part of the Workforce
    Having a stable, well-paid workforce helps maintain the economy. The trucking industry provides stable jobs with the impactful purpose of maintaining our day-to-day lives. As time goes on, the trucking industry is becoming more diverse, more focused on employee safety and wellbeing, and more modernized by adopting smart technology. These improvements have helped create a better working environment for current truck drivers working behind the scenes, and for those to come.

  5. Provide Help in Emergencies
    Emergency supplies for hospitals and first responders come from truck deliveries. That’s why truck drivers were considered essential and part of the frontline, especially during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Without their regular deliveries and on-time arrivals, many lives would have been lost. Additionally, on an everyday basis, truck drivers are responsible for ensuring all medicines, equipment, and tools are in stock in places like hospitals and clinics.

Final Thoughts
The U.S. economy cannot run and sustain itself without the essential work of truck drivers. Their deliveries affect every industry we depend on such as food, construction, medicine, fuel, and retail. Truck drivers ensure first responders and healthcare workers have the tools they need to save lives.

Happy National Truck Drivers Appreciation Week! A special thank you from BTX goes out to all truck drivers working diligently every day to get cargo and essential goods to people everywhere.


BTX Global Logistics is a worldwide shipping and logistics organization that provides flexible transportation solutions for shipments of any weight or size, anywhere in the world. With over 40 years of experience, BTX brings a team of seasoned logistics professionals together to offer customers the highest quality of service. BTX’s services include air freight, ground freight, project cargo, retail logistics,  white glove, trade show, e-commerce, fulfillment, distribution, and much more. 

Topics: Supply Chain, BTX Announcements, Ground Shipping, Ground Transportation, Logistics, Blog, Truck Drivers